About Adventurer's Table

Discover the story behind Adventurer's Table, a one-of-a-kind board game restaurant. Learn about our passion for games, our community-focused ethos, and how we create a playful dining experience that brings people together.

Our Mission

To redefine the concept of dining and gaming, one quest at a time with a blend of creativity, passion, and dedication.

We aim to build something truly extraordinary and leave a legacy of joy, laughter, and shared experiences.

Our Vision

We want to create a haven where friends, families, and gaming enthusiasts come together to forge lasting memories, share in the thrill of tabletop adventures, and indulge in the finest culinary delights.

How It Works

Explore the creative ways in which we plan to make Adventurer’s Table fun, clean, and safe.


You will be greeted by a member of our staff dressed in Adventurer's Guild garb and asked which party-type you are in: Group Gaming, Individual Gamers Looking for a Group, and Dining-Only.

The Card System

Tables in all seating areas will include a color-coded card system. Here's what each color signals to our staff:

Green: You'd Like to Order or Need Your Check

Yellow: You Have a Question or Need Help from a Game Expert

Red: You don't want to be disturbed.

Game Selection

You are free to browse our game library at anytime online through the QR code, or on our shelves. Much like at a buffet, you can pull a game to play yourself or ask one of our game expert staff to pull a specific game for you. You can also ask our game expert staff for recommendations on a game that may suit your group makeup, likes, and dislikes.

Game Return

We ask that all games be put away in their boxes how you found them, then placed in one of our return bins. This allows our staff to sanitize the pieces before reshelving the games in their correct location.


All events will be held in our "Looking for Group" section. You can join many events for free (with the exception of tournaments).
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Still Have Questions?

Find answers to all your questions about Adventurer’s Table with our comprehensive FAQs page.

Our Founders

Zachary Schwehr - Adventurer's Table CEO

Zachary Schwehr, CEO

10 years in business.
4 years in management.
20 years with TTRPG’s and innovative board games.

Zachary is a Rock Hill transplant of 14 years and an alumnus of York Technical College. A self-proclaimed “numbers guy," he brings fiscal responsibility and vision into an actionable plan and executes with an openness to course correction. Zach has a passion for the community and empowering the average person and will always work towards this being the core goal of Adventurer’s Table.

Carrie Schwehr - Adventurer's Table CFO

Carrie Schwehr, CHRO

6 years in communications.
1 year in marketing.
10 years with TTRPG’s and innovative board games.

Carrie joins us as a York County native and an alumnus of Winthrop University. As a former middle school teacher, she brings with her the tools needed to manage and communicate with large groups. Her experience in marketing makes her the perfect person to keep our patrons engaged via social media and local events.

Matthew Campbell - Adventurer's Table COO

Matthew Campbell, COO/General Manager

8 years in quality assurance.
1 year in healthcare.
7 years with TTRPG’s and innovative board games.

Matt joins us as a York County native. He has always had a love of games and is elated to bring his passion to those around him. Matt’s affable personality makes him a wonderful choice for our general manager. His experience in quality assurance provides him with a unique eye for detail when it comes to providing consistently wonderful experiences to our patrons.

Norwood Pryor - Adventurer's Table Head Chef

Norwood Pryor - Head Chef

Chef Norwood was in fine dining in Charleston, SC, before moving to San Francisco and working on several projects. He opened cafes for Apple in their culinary program, as well as the Chase Center with the Golden State Warriors. The Chase Center itself had 45 eateries and 3 large clubhouses. He has done private consulting for multiple restaurants. We are excited to have him as a part of our team as his guidance will help us stay on track and navigate unique issues to the restaurant world.

We're thrilled to provide a place where families in the Rock Hill community can come together and have fun. With my background in education, it's important to me to create a safe space for children and families. This mission has become even more meaningful now that Zach and I have our own son. We're excited to build a space where your family and ours can enjoy ourselves and make wonderful memories together.

Carrier Schwehr

Join the Hype

"I am stoked to see this all come to fruition!! Big D&D nerd here!!"
Jenna Mckenna
"I am so freakin' geeked about this!!"
Christina Henderson
Miranda Cobb